I have written previously about Mimi Burbank, an American lady who has worked in Kasese for some years with an NGO, the Base Camp United Christian Foundation (http://www.basecampngo.org/). She has recently come on board the SKILL project with her characteristic enthusiasm, and in a recent newsletter to her supporters in USA she writes about the origins of SKILL:
"The project funding was begun by retired Rev. Chris Jenkin and his wife Mary, from Cumbria, UK. These two visited the area, and saw something and their hearts were touched – nay, bludgeoned – by the need seen, and de
cided to do something about it.
On Sunday [1st August], speakers ranged from one of the homeless boys, to the local chairperson, Rev. Canon Julius Kithaghenda, who vowed to look into government funding for the project. The young boy spoke of the reason he was homeless, and said he was grateful for the project and looked forward to living in a real building with a roof.
"The project funding was begun by retired Rev. Chris Jenkin and his wife Mary, from Cumbria, UK. These two visited the area, and saw something and their hearts were touched – nay, bludgeoned – by the need seen, and de

On Sunday [1st August], speakers ranged from one of the homeless boys, to the local chairperson, Rev. Canon Julius Kithaghenda, who vowed to look into government funding for the project. The young boy spoke of the reason he was homeless, and said he was grateful for the project and looked forward to living in a real building with a roof.
We received pledges from everyone there, some in cash, and donations of a door, 13 bags of cement, sheets and cooking utensils. There is still quite a long way to go though. T
here are still many things needed before the place can be lived in. We ask for prayer that funds will become available for these. It is amazing how small donations by many can add up to provide a huge blessing for others."
If you would like to help, contact us on kskjenkin@hotmail.co.uk.