Mimi was an American lady who has been in Kasese since 2006. She worked with orphans with the Base Camp United Christian Foundation.
She joined the Committee for SKILL (Street Kids Information and Learning for Life) this summer, and since our friends and hosts, Alan and Cheryl Parrett (missionaries with Emmanuel International) left Kasese on furlough at the end of August, Mimi has been our main point of contact with our Kasese Street Kids project.
It was Mimi who not only sent us all the most recent photographs, but who also kept us fully informed of details of the spending accounts on the building work for the Hostel. She was one of the cheque signatories.
She was an amazing, vigorous and feisty lady who loved the needy children of Uganda. We are going to miss her sorely.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends, in Kasese, in UK and in the U.S.A. Her friend Wesley Tse emailed to say:
"While we shall mourn at the loss of our sister, we should also rejoice that she is now with our Lord and Saviour. I picture Mimi arriving at the gates of heaven and our Lord welcoming her in with wide open arms, saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."