Friday, 31 August 2012

Rotary Club visit

Last night Mary and I were invited to give a presentation about the Kasese Street Kids to one of the Rotary Clubs in Carlisle - the Carlisle Castle group, which meets in the south of the city.
(This invitation arose by accident: we were shopping in Tesco in Carlisle a few months ago, and members of this Rotary Club were raising funds for charity by doing bag packing. Mary - very cheekily, perhaps! - approached one man, and said "May we come and tell your club about our Street Children hostel in Uganda?" Amazingly, he said "Of course! Send me an email...")
It was only a small group, but they gave us a very warm welcome, and - even though our presentation went on for 45 minutes rather than the stipulated 30 (I always talk too much!) - they seemed genuinely interested and appreciative.
They will need to discuss whether and to what extent they want to support our project.
More engagements
We are booked to speak to a nearby village WI group next week; and I was recently phoned by a private school which we visited a year ago, and invited to go back to receive a cheque and give them an update!