Friday, 21 September 2012

Surprise Gift

In the post today was a £50 note.
We have no idea who it came from, apart from a little slip with it saying:
"From Cartmel for Kasese. Gift from a bazaar."
 We also had an invitation last night to return to the Newbiggin on Lune and Ravenstonedale  Methodist Fellowship on 14th November . We last spoke to them three years ago, on 11th November 2009, and I seem to recall that they were very generous. There is a lot to report to them of what has happened since then!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The first children come in to the Hostel

Today's news - 8 children have been brought into the Centre.
They will bring more in, one by one, depending on income and being able to care for them. They will give them counseling and advice as they arrive, so that they can understand how they can now start to change their life.
Four of these children have already been admitted to Daylight Primary School, whose Headteacher, Josephat, is on the SKILL Centre's Management Board. He had promised that any children who move into the Hostel, if of Primary age, would be admitted to his school. The only problem is that it is 5 kilometers away, which is a long walk, and transport costs money.
Enos has also given us a list of the next priorities in building and equipment, which perhaps we can help them with.
The largest item is fencing all round the site, at a cost of about £2,500.
Cooking utensils - £100
A Maize and Cassava milling machine - £1,500 (I am asking if this could be an income generator for the Hostel)
Office equipment including computer and printer  - £1,000.
He also gave us other running expenses like transport and salaries, but I have always made it clear that while we will do what we can to provide the building and equipment, we cannot undertake to cover all the day-to-day running costs. We have passed that torch to the local Kasese community.

School visit
Yesterday I was invited back to Windermere School, which Mary and I visited a year ago. The young people had done various fund-raising activities, and handed me a cheque for £200, which was magnificent.
I hope to publish a picture of some of them soon.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Caitlin's Marathon fund raising

Caitlin Johnson, who is running the Kielder Marathon on 7th October on behalf of the Kasese street kids, reports that sponsorship has already passed the £300 target, with almost four weeks still to go. (I am afraid you can no longer sponsor her on a Justgiving page, for reasons connected with the SKILL hostel's relationship with Emmanuel International, our former sponsoring body. So further sponsorship donations should be by cheque payable to CC & MP Jenkin - Kasese Street Kids. If you want to make a donation by simple bank transfer, email me and I will give you bank account details!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Beds have arrived at the Hostel

Twenty double bunks have been delivered to the SKILL Hostel in Kasese.
 Here is the truck used for the delivery, with a pile of mattresses.
 Here you can see that the beds have been erected in one of the dormitories, and a mosquito net has been fitted to one of them. Even though the windows have all been fitted with metal mosquito screens, it is still important, as a malaria protection measure, to have treated nets over the beds. (Malaria is a major killer in Uganda, as it is in many African countries; quite a number of the street children have been orphaned when their parents died of Malaria.)
A talk to WI
Last night Mary and I gave a presentation to the ladies of the Women's Institute - WI - in Warcop, a village some 15 miles away from our home. I was able to include a picture of the beds, which had arrived attached to an email from Enos only that afternoon - hot off the press! The ladies were very interested in the whole project, and were full of questions. One had been brought up in Uganda, and another had been a missionary in Papua New Guinea. They gave us a generous donation towards the work.