Wednesday, 8 May 2013

More about the Kasese Floods

The last report from Emmanuel, our chairman of the Skill Board at Kasese, said this:
Kasese Floods:
I have travelled all the way to Kilembe where the river flooded; it was a real devastation. Many houses were destroyed and will take a lot of government commitment if they are to be rebuilt; some though have no hopes of ever being rebuilt. An estimated 700 people lost all their property and are now homeless and living in refugee camps. 10 are now confirmed dead.
The magnitude is very great especially because this is the first of this kind of calamity to befall the people of the Ruwenzori’s and since the rivers burst their banks on the 1st of May to this day, the floods are still washing away homes,  buildings, roads, bridges and crops.
Enos is in the danger zone; a flood plain and may be relocated to a safer ground.
I visited him this morning at the skills training centre. He was with 10 children, weeding crops. They don’t have safe water to drink or for domestic use especially cooking as the supply system has been affected. They also lacked food.

Many people have been relocated by government to schools and Red Cross is supplying some food, tents, mosquito nets and safe water.
We anticipate an increased number of stranded children, but so far are handling the old cases.

Any assistance would be most welcome. Enos and his financial committee would look into areas deemed as priority.