Monday, 19 April 2010

My Favourite Thing - a Book to raise funds for KSK

An idea we have come up with as a fund-raiser for the Kasese Street Kids is to publish a book entitled "My Favourite Thing". We have written to dozens of people to invite them to write a short item about their "favourite thing". It might be a favourite place, a favourite recipe, a favourite book, or music, or activity, or pet. We have asked for a picture of their "Thing" (where appropriate) and a picture of the writer.
We have approached our relations, friends, and neighbours, and also quite a number of celebrities, both local and national. Royalty sent a polite note regretting.... Unsurprisingly some top politicians and/or their wives have not actually replied yet - it seems they have something else on their minds at this time! However our local Tory Candidate for Penrith and the Borders, Rory Stewart, actually phoned to say he would be happy to contribute an item.
We have had a contribution from a Judge in the Isle of Wight, and from a Bishop in the north of England. A local celebrity, Sir Chris Bonington, world-famous mountaineer, was the very first to respond. (What is his Favourite Thing? You will have to buy the book to find out!)
A local mum said that the Favourite Thing of her 2-year-old son, George, is splashing through puddles! We hope to get a photograph of him enjoying this.
Two Cumbrians we approached actually sent substantial cheques, which we hadn't asked for but were delighted to receive!
We will welcome all and any contributions to this book! You do not have to be famous, or local to us. Just respond to this blog - or email

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