Here are the original "three wise men" who have been supervising things so far: Alan Parrett (missionary with Emmanuel International - http://www.eiuk.org.uk/cms), Rev. Captain James Tumwesigye (Missioner of the Diocese of South Rwenzori, Church of Uganda), and Enos Kyibibi, Director of the Project.
As we suspected, the hope of Charles The Builder (seen in the centre, with Enos, and Mary and me - taken in February) that the roof would be on by the end of April has proved over-optimistic; but some of the Ring Beam has been put on around the outside walls. The next step after this will be to put a further course of bricks and then the roof beams will go on. These will need to be quite big in order to span the building so it might be quite interesting to see how they do it!!!!
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