Saturday, 24 July 2010

Money from celebrities and schoolchildren

After our soggy and disappointing Open Garden (though a friend did point out that we had raised a million Ugandan shillings, which sounds better!) we were encouraged by various gifts coming in over the next few days. There was £350 from a celebrity composer's charitable fund; £120 from old friends; and various smaller gifts, including some from Tebay Primary School near us in Cumbria.
This school has adopted Kasese Street Kids as their charity (the children's decision), and has sent money from a Bring and Buy, and there is more to come from other fundraising events at the school.
We were able to send £1000 to the Kasese bank account this week; and Emmanuel International UK, our umbrella organization, has just sent out the Gift Aid tax reclaimed from an earlier £5,000 donation, and other smaller gifts.
That should all enable the roof to be completed, and the Launch Event on 1st August (with some 200 leading citizens of Kasese invited) to be paid for.
Great encouragement after a weekend of despondency!
Don't forget - for offers of help email

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