Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Only about fund raising?

We had a comment passed to us yesterday, from someone who had recently visited this blog: "It's all about fund raising! It doesn't say anything about what it's actually for..."
That is the trouble with a blog - the most recent posts are what you see! May I say for any new readers or visitors - if you want to know more about the Street Kids, and how we got involved, go to the right of the screen, to "Blog Archive", and click on the earlier posts, especially March and April.
Fund raising is still going on, particularly Mary's Multi-vehicle Charity Challenge: today she was 41 metres up on a "cherry-picker", properly called a "Access Boom".
The scariest one for her was yesterday - a friend's motorbike! (pictures soon.)

But the friend's comment about the Blog has made me decide - we need a website, which will let people see at once what they want, without having to search through dozens of blog postings. I am not skilled at this technology, but I hope within a week or two (with a little bit of help from my friends) to have a Kasese Street Kids website online! Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. People can always visit the web site for the SKILL Centre:

