We wonder - will we raise enough money this year to complete the SKILL centre in Kasese? (A reminder - SKILL stands for Street Kids Information and Learning for Life.)
Even if it is not totally completed by the end of 2011, will Enos and the team at least be able to invite the street children to come in, so that they have somewhere safe to stay, decent food to eat (not just chicken feet as in © Carol Allen Storey's November 2009 photo, above), and adults to care for them and teach them?
Carol Storey is speaking and showing her evocative photographs of street children at the prestigious London Frontline Club for journalists on January 18th (http://frontlineclub.com). She told us she would certainly mention the SKILL project, and said "Why don't you come?" So we are going down to London from Cumbria to be there, and perhaps answer questions. It will give an opportunity to share the vision of this project with a very different constituency of people from our usual circle of contacts; who knows where it might lead?
Three reminders:
To contact us: email kskjenkin@hotmail.co.uk
To donate to KSK: www.justgiving.com/kasesestreetkids
To shop online at any of hundreds of well known retailers, donating a percentage to Kasese Street Kids at the same time: go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk (When you register, say that "Kasese Street Kids" is the cause you want to support.)
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