Monday, 14 March 2011

Kasese Accountant appointed

This is Moses, who has been appointed as the Accountant for the SKILL project in Kasese. He is a trained accountant, who has been working for a Youth Organization (Young and Powerful Initiative) linked with the Church of Uganda. Now he will be working full-time for SKILL, and sending monthly reports and statements both to Alan Parrett in Kampala (the Emmanuel International In-Country rep for Uganda) and to us in Cumbria.
We have always felt that it is enormously important to ensure that money - given so generously and indeed sacrificially by people in UK - is being properly spent and accounted for. (You hear so many horror stories of money for Third World projects apparently disappearing into a hole in the ground!)
So we are now in a position to send more funds out to Uganda, for the next stages of the work. This includes all the windows and doors for the Hostel, as well as plastering the outside latrine, and paying for a night watchman.
More fund raising: Mary and I have two speaking engagements this week, at a WI and a Mothers' Union group; and also a meeting to plan a Dinner-Concert in June.

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