Two little street boys in Kasese scrabble in a charred rubbish dump. I think this dump has been burnt at some time, and they are seeing if they can find scraps of charcoal which they are saving in a plastic shopping bag, to see if they can sell it for a few shillings. Better, I suppose, than doing what they so often have to do - search the dumps and skips for something to eat.
Windows and doors: There is progress with installing steel doors and window shutters, which can be seen here. But these shutters are proving to be a good deal more expensive than the price originally quoted a year ago, £65 each. In fact they cost over £100. So I may have been over-optimistic in my last post, hoping that the £3,000 recently sent out will complete all the shutters and the internal doors too.
All contributions welcome! www.justgiving.com/kasesestreetkids is one way. Or contact us - chriscjenkin@aol.com.
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