Some of the children surviving on the streets of Kasese, south-western Uganda, are pathetically young. The thought of my grandchildren finding food by scrabbling in the rubbish is horrifying - but that is everyday life for many little ones.
A hymn in which we thank God for his gifts has this verse:
"A home of plenty: clothed and fed
our sturdy children play,
while other children cry for bread
not half a world away."
(Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith)
Today we revisited St. Paul's C. of E. Junior School in Barrow-in-Furness. We had given a presentation about the street children there last November - the children asked lots of interesting questions afterwards - and we were promised a money contribution in due course. Today was it!
This was part of School Book Week, and the children were invited to come to school dressed in any kind of character costume they liked, and weird and wonderful were the results! But they also brought their contributions to helping children across the world who are much less fortunate than them, and we were delighted to be handed a cheque for £100!
Thank you, children!
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