Emmanuel International (www.eiuk.org.uk/cms) has been our "umbrella" organization from the start, especially because Alan and Cheryl Parrett, who are EI missionaries, were our hosts for both our visits to Kasese. Alan continued to supervise all the work, and especially was overseeing the financial accountability systems. The Parretts are now based in Kampala as EI In-Country Reps, but still visit Kasese regularly (despite the 8-hour drive), and check carefully that money sent out from UK for SKILL is being properly used and accounted for - an absolutely vital function.
We have also been able to send out funds via EI, and as they are a registered charity (which KSK is not) it has meant that gifts through EI can be Gift Aided.
Now, however, we have been formally adopted as an EI project, and this should lead to stronger links between us.
One of the ways in which EI operates is to send out teams of young people, for short or medium terms, to work under the supervision of the In-Country Rep, on a variety of tasks, always in co-operation with the local church. Perhaps such a team will be able to go out, from UK or Canada (EI is an Anglo-Canadian Mission) to work with the street children, maybe once the Hostel is complete and open to receive the children.
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