1. Margaret Sentamu, our guest speaker and opener, with us - Christopher and Mary Jenkin.

Was it worth it?
Many people saw the Exhibition during the four weeks it was in Kendal Parish Church - not only the regular Sunday congregations (who, we are told, were very interested and appreciative), but also the many who attended baptisms, weddings and funerals; those who attended concerts and seminars and other such events in the church; and the casual visitors who dropped in to see the church - though there were fewer such people in the later autumn than during the main tourist season. And, of course, there were those who had seen the publicity, and decided to visit the Exhibition, like the unfortunate late-comer!
The bottom line...
How much money was raised?
Given at the Preview: £1,600
Received since the Preview: £575.
Promised but not yet received: £580.
Yes, I think it was worth it!
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