The funds that Emmanuel International was holding was money donated to Kasese Street Kids, using Gift Aid. (To get the tax refund, cheques have to be made payable to Emmanuel International, with "Kasese Street Kids" on the back; and of course the donor has to fill in a little form as well. Ask us for details!)

Plans for our visit to Uganda are moving ahead.
* We collected our Malarone anti-malarial tablets from Morrison's Pharmacy this morning.
* We are planning to contact a CMS Missionary construction expert in Kampala, Garry Ion, who comes from Cumbria; we visited his parents in Penrith, to collect something to deliver to him.
* We are planning to set up a School to School Link between our Cumbria village C. of E. Primary School and a Church Primary School in Kasese; so we did an Assembly in school this morning, and not only took photographs of the school, of the Assembly, and of the children going about their business, but also borrowed the school's camcorder. I have to learn how to use this, so took the Instructions too, and will study them carefully and experiment. But we are delighted to have that; in 2010 we longed to be able to record the Ugandan children singing and dancing - this time, we can! And we will show the Ugandan school children a glimpse of school life in cool and drizzly Cumbria, UK.
* We are planning to set up a School to School Link between our Cumbria village C. of E. Primary School and a Church Primary School in Kasese; so we did an Assembly in school this morning, and not only took photographs of the school, of the Assembly, and of the children going about their business, but also borrowed the school's camcorder. I have to learn how to use this, so took the Instructions too, and will study them carefully and experiment. But we are delighted to have that; in 2010 we longed to be able to record the Ugandan children singing and dancing - this time, we can! And we will show the Ugandan school children a glimpse of school life in cool and drizzly Cumbria, UK.
* We have contacted TWAM ("Tools With A Mission", ) who we hope will in due course be able to supply tools of all kinds for the older street kids to learn a trade - woodwork, mechanics, dress-making, etc. We plan to visit the TWAM warehouse in Kampala.
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