Thursday 19 July 2012

Street Boys In Trouble

We have just heard that Enos, the SKILL Director, together with a local Probation Officer, were asked to visit the Police Station, because eight boys had been arrested and are being charged with being idle and disorderly. They have not yet been taken to court; Enos asks us to pray for them.
This episode is a reminder of the realities of their life. I am sure that such an experience is not new to most of these lads. How many of us, living on the streets with no means of support, would always be able to resist the temptation to be involved in petty crime, simply in order to survive? I am not excusing dishonesty - if that is actually what they are guilty of ("idle and disorderly"? I wonder what that means in practice?); but I think those who have helped to build the SKILL Hostel will be understanding.
It is also a reminder that it will not always be easy to care for the children, and keep them on the "straight and narrow". I am sure they are no angels! Many of them will have been badly damaged by their harsh experiences. So let us indeed pray - for the boys, and for Enos and his team as they try to help and guide.
One more thing - the Probation Officer urged that a fence be built around the Hostel, in order to help to control the children. He said this was necessary before the District Probation Office gives an operational permit.  

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